
Furniture donations are picked up from our donors:


Donations are sorted and organized so our Free Store is ready for next opening:


Families on our wait list are contacted and invited to shop at our 100% Free Store:


Furniture donations are delivered to our Ukrainian families home:

How we are making an impact:

Many of these families are living with very little in their apartments. Some with just a mattress and kitchen table, while others have nothing to start.

One family we recently helped was a mother and her 8 year old daughter who had nothing but a couch in their apartment.  They slept together for months before receiving assistance from our 100% Free Store.  Now they have a fully furnished apartment.

Another family was thrilled to get a dresser.  One key piece that was missing, but was too expensive to buy. 

Whether the need is big requiring lots of items, or sometimes small, just missing a few key pieces, the impact has been great.  Families are overwhelmed by the generosity of Canadians and so appreciative of this support.